Freeze Dried Survival Food Supplies

Freeze Dried Survival Food Supplies

What Must a Well-Stocked freeze dried survival food supplies Adventure Kit Contain?

When severe calamity or natural disasters like tornado, wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and other events that tends to affect the necessities of life, like clean drinking water, electricity, etc. if you have been subjected to such an event in the past, chances are that you already know the importance of preplanning and preparing enough food and water for future it is necessary to have at home emergency food supplies. With a well-stocked emergency food kit, you are ready and prepared for any weather and any calamity. Here are some essentials to add to your long term adventure food kits.

  • Clean drinking water – Your long-term adventure food kit ideal for an emergency situation must always include a reliable drinking water supply. Ditch the single-use water bottles of plastic and opt for bigger water jugs, go for a 4-gallon rigid water tub, which is also simple to stack and stock.
  • Dehydrated Meats & Jerky – Jerky is a perfect protein source, and varieties ranging from standard beef to more exotic flavors such as ostrich and lamb can be found. Although jerky is long-lasting, it should be preserved to maintain freshness in a sealed, airtight container.
  • Canned veggies and fruits – Be sure that, even in case of an emergency, if you are planning your food kit, ensure that your diet is full of vitamins and minerals. Grocery shops also have canned food deals, but don’t hesitate to search for disaster essentials at cheap prices.
  • Canned Meats – Tuna is not your only long-lasting canned meat choice. Also available are tuna, sardines, freeze-dried chicken, and other meats. You will have a nice tasting meal ready in no time with a touch of imagination and a splash of our Camp Master Spice Mix.
  • Crackers – Crackers last much longer than any bread. Making these a very well fit for the emergency food kit that you plan on preparing. Eat them with canned meat, and you’ll have a meal or snack that’s short, simple, and filling. Only make sure to scan the expiration dates periodically, since for some months, most crackers remain new.
  • Shelf Stable Beverages – Shelf-stable beverages do not need cooling until they have been opened. All the great choices are frozen or boxed milk, almond milk, rice milk, soy milk, and juices. Electrolyte drinks can also come in handy, like Gatorade.
  • Granola and Protein Bars – Nothing beats a protein bar or granola for a fast snack, like our granola with bananas, almonds & milk. For an additional energy boost, keep a box or two of your favorites in your grocery kit while you’re waiting for the electricity to be restored for camping food.
  • Freeze Dried Meals – Have a freeze-dried food stash on hand, and everywhere you can enjoy a gourmet tasting meal. Be sure to give Chana Masala and Fettuccini Alfredo a try with our fan-favorites and ambassador choices. Tons of freeze dried food kits online & Safety Freeze-Dried Meals, as well as Emergency Meal Packs are also available to select from, which provide everything you need to keep healthy and happy.

Recommended Read: Everything You Will Ever Need to Know About Adventure Freeze Dried Survival Food Supplies Kits

A point to remember here is that you must check the expiration dates annually.

It is important to note when stocking an emergency kit that some food products like dinner emergency food supply, such as crackers, jerky, and shelf-stable liquids, dinner emergency food supply, usually have a shelf life of 18 months (at best). That’s why monitoring expiration dates at least once a year is so critical. You should feed, recycle, or throw away food that gets close to the date. Be sure to check the expiration dates for the freeze dried food kits online.

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